Mexican Spiny-Tailed Iguana

Ctenosaura pecinata

The Mexican spiny-tailed iguana is a small, common member of the iguana family. They can be found all along the western coast of Mexico, in forested areas and shrubland that is dry much of the year. There are several distinct color variations found in these animals, including the “banana” variety, pictured here, with its bright oranges and yellows! At Iguanaland you can also see the “blue” and the “pied” (black and white) varieties.

The spiny-tailed iguanas are a large group of closely related iguanas found in Mexico and Central America. There are currently 15 species in the genus Ctenosaura, plus 2 more in the genus Cachryx, for 17 total species considered to be spiny-tailed iguanas. Of those 17, you can see all but 3 species at Iguanaland! These iguanas are omnivores, though most of their diet is leaves, flowers and fruits, they will eat insects, eggs, and sometimes even small animals.